

sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2016

Present continuous and Present Simple (1)

Present continuous and Present Simple (1)

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Present continuous

We can use the present continuous with some state verbs(e.g. attract,sound,love,look,like),when we want to say and emphasise that a situation is temporary o for a period of time in the present. Compare:

  • -Jean stays with us quite often.The children love having her here.
  • -Jean is with us at the moment.The children are loving having her here.
We use the present continuous to talk about particular events or activities that have  begun but  have not ended at the time of speaking the event or activity is in progress at the present time, but not necessarily at the moment of speaking.

  • Who are you phoning? I'm trying to get through to Helen.

Present Continuous Use (Also called the present progressive tense):

 Present Simple 

We use  the present simple with verbs describing states or situations that are always true or continue indefinitely.
  • Trees grow  more quickly in summer than in winter.
We use the present simple with states or situations(thoughts,feelings) that exist at the present moment.

We use the present simple to talk about habits or regular events or actions.

  • Do you go to Turkey every year for your holidays?
The Present Simple 1 - Back To Basics:

Difference between Present continuous and Present simple

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